We Were Not Pleased With These Super Bowl Ads

The Super Bowl is a controversial event by default. It's competitive in nature, and violently so. As in, men in bulky shoulder pads smash into one another, and America cheers. Or cries, depending on your loyalty. But it's not just the big game that's so polarizing. The annual event is famous for having commercials that push the envelope. Because, hey, nearly all of the country is watching. As they say, all publicity is good publicity, right? A racy ad can go a long way, which is why Super Bowl commercials can border on obscene.
Now, it's 2017. I don't know if you've heard, but the proverbial shit is inching toward the fan, and the word "controversial" is almost beginning to lose its meaning. The country is so embittered toward one another that the most mild of gestures can be interpreted as offensive. As such, this year's Super Bowl commercials felt particularly pointed. Some ads, like this Audi commercial that championed the rights of women, landed on the side of "yaaass, queen!" Others — not so much. Ahead, you'll find the commercials from this year's Super Bowl that landed in the realm of "womp-wah." C'mon guys. Let's be better.


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